Internal Newsletter Welcome


Internal Connections

Although it's easy to believe otherwise, we're not always perfect as an organization. At times, one of the areas where we struggle the most is in our internal communications. We've just had one too many important, company-wide memos fall between the cracks and, invariably, we'll have an individual (at best) who didn't find out about the emergency price increase until it was too late. Worse still is when an entire branch misses that important tidbit. So, after seeing it happen one time too many, and after much hard work and "keyboard pain," we present Internal Connections, the new Connector Specialists Internal Newsletter. It is our great desire to see this become a place where our employees can learn about important upcoming events, deadlines, promotions, and changes to procedures.

But, to devote an entire newsletter to just that would be a colossal waste of an opportunity!

So, In addition to all that goodness, we want Internal Connections to become a place where Connector folks can learn more about their health insurance, their investment options, and even wildly exciting updates to tax law. We're developing functionality to allow for collaboration on a corporate calendar--where everything from Holidays and Birthdays to upcoming events and scheduled leave can be noted. And, we're enlisting the help of our partners to provide content as well. In the old days, when we'd get a piece of literature from, say, Parker, we'd pass it around and have everyone sign off that they'd read it. Now, we can just add it to the newsletter and we'll know exactly who's clicked on the item to learn more about it. Furthermore, it'll always be there, so if you don't have time to read more about it right now, you can always circle back later.

Content from Mike Romig (our "401(k) Guy"), Besselman & Little (our Blue Cross/Blue Shield Intermediary), from TrulinX, Parker, Graco, Stauff, even from Distribution Industry Luminaries will all be fair game for Internal Connections. Based on readership, we'll know who's interested in what content, and therefore, what content people want more of... The hope is that this newsletter will evolve into something you can hardly live without. So, please, read on... and give feedback freely. We want this newsletter to be what YOU need it to be!

- Alex
